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Catmon: Esoy Hot Spring

As years gone by, the fast development of the province of Cebu, there are many tourist attractions that are blooming from every corner of the island of Cebu. From food bazaars, garden resorts, eco-tourist sites, beach resorts and newly discovered falls - there are also tourist sites that are still not known to many specially attractions about hotsprings. No volcano sighted on the island of Cebu but there are few places where you can able to experience natural hotsprings.

And one of these is the Esoy Hot Spring that can be found in the northern town of Cebu, which is Catmon. From the market of the town, you can ask a habalhabal driver to drive you to Esoy Hot Spring. The resort has been known by locals since the 90's but was not that known by many.

Before you can enter the resort, you need to have a booking.. Regarding with the contact number of the resort, they have a signage placed in the entrance road beside the national highway that is going to the resort, so in case you haven't made any booking yet, you can contact them to inquire if the resort is still capable to accept visitors, since the resort has limited numbers of cottages and also for the safety of the guests.

 At the resort, you can experience a lot of things, like river trekking, cliff jumping, falls jumping, swimming in the falls and in the river, fish feeding and take the hanging bridge. Entrance fee of the resort is already includes the cottage, safety gears and guide. You can select which cottage your group wants to stay whenever it's vacant, since it's first come first serve basis. 

The resort usually don't offer for an overnight stay since there are no rooms available, but you can arrange it with the management if you want to stay overnight at the resort, since they only allow 1-2 groups only to have an overnight stay. They are trying to have a privacy for the group who will have an overnight stay and the peace and order..

For those who are planning to have an overnight stay, it is really recommended to bring your own foods and drinks.. They have foods in the resort but usually it will open around 9 in the morning and closed around 6pm. And if you don't have your own transportation, it's advised to make a deal with the drivers who will drive you to the resort to fetched you on the next day and make sure to have an exact time of departure since there has a poor signal on the place, it is very hard to contact the driver's.

Location: Catmon, Cebu
Entrance fee: 350 per person 

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