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Poem: Travel of Time Without Love

Days passed by so fast, night’s conquered day hurriedly,
Age is adding year after year, and here you are still alone and single.
You make thought you made the best you can, but you are not,
You are becoming frustrated by the talks of people around.

Talks that disturb your concentration on making out some money,
Money to be used for you to able to help your family who are dependent on you.
Then there you are wandering around just to find peace and happiness,
And be away by the bullies you received from your relatives and workmates,
And sometimes to the people close to you and even to the closest friends.

You are on a state of thinking and gathering though happy moments in life,
When one of the girls you courted shared her innermost thoughts about you and her,
Upon reading this, it creates a shield of getting into such a relationship,
Relationship you know that will just bring pain all over you and broke you into pieces.

Later on the relation you have with her suddenly withered until it dried up,
With sunrises turn to sunsets, days into nights, months slips, and years leaps on,
Your heartbreaks healed little by little, ex-romances becomes friends,
You’re getting open about getting married, but not knowing to whom,
For when you’re getting ready, you’re already loaded with schedules of trips,
Travels that makes you strong and happy again and regain what you’ve lost.

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