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Aloguinsan: Hidden Beach Resort

It was not so fine Saturday morning when I decided to leave home for a sudden trip. It's always unpredictable where and when will I go for a trip. Since I don't have a travel buddy, and being single sometimes give you reason to be crazy and escape from making some plans and travel itinerary.

It just pop on my mind to go to South Bus Terminal of Cebu, and from there I ride a bus with a sign going to Tuburan. Along the national highway of Naga-Toledo route, I suddenly remembered that I need to explore new place that I've never been before.

The bus reach Toledo, and when it's already in Sange, I decided to drop from there and take a walk going to Toledo boulevard. While taking a walk, I remember that I have few friends in the Place so I decided to meet and jam with while I was on the place. after almost an hour, they came and we have a chitchat for a while till I have shared with them that I was longing to find new place to explore, and then one of them suggested Aloguinsan.

Without any delay, they decided to come with me, and so we took a multicab going to the place. We ask the driver to take us to the nearest resort in Aloguinsan since we don't know where exactly it is. I check my phone to locate the nearest resort that Google can assist, but seems like it's not working good that time. I decided to let the driver take us to the place where I may explore anew.

After almost half an hour, the drive told us that we are already in the nearby resort, but I can't even see a beachline nor a signage to let us know where are we. I ask the driver where is the resort located,he show us the rough road and told us to just follow the road where we drop off till we able to see flaglets.

And since, I'm looking for some adventure, I decided to go and follow the instructions of the driver have told me. With my friends from Toledo, we follow the rough road, till we able to find a flaglet. Along the way I was amazed by the new place I have been, since it's so quiet and just a very few houses. We continued till we see an open after and we enter and from there I ask if it's the right place, the resort that we are about to go, and the person I asked assisted as cheerfully.

She seems so friendly, and she welcomed and accommodate us well. The entrance of the place was 50 pesos per head and the available cottage that time was open cottage since the vacant nipa hut is already reserved. And so we go downstairs to the beachfront, and choose what cottage we will be spending the night. It cost 300 pesos for the open cottage. Only two cottages have guest including our cottage, the other one have 3 guests that time.

I did not take much time on the cottage, I decided to take a walk around the resort together with one of my friend. We took photos and explore the area. The place was really nice, has a white sand beachfront and. So quite that you can really take a calm stay-cation.

The adventure that I was looking was given, cause at around 10:30 in the evening the wind suddenly rushing with water droplets. And it's getting stronger and colder and everything turns like we are on a survivors show. We haven't able to sleep well cause of so much coldness and we are very thankful to Nanay who assisted us cause she gave us blankets earlier that night that help us survive the coldness.
Early morning, i started to have a walk farther than I have taken and really amaze how much beauty it has, though the beach-side has needs some cleaning caused by the storm that hit that night. See some of the pics for you to discover..

Budget for the trip:

tricycle from mycrib to Tintay - 8 pesos
jeepney from Tintay to Colon - 12 pesos
bus from South Bus terminal to Toledo - 60 pesos
multicab from Toledo to Aloguinsan - 25
Hidden resort entrance - 50 pesos
cottage - 300 pesos
food allowance - 500 pesos
extra allowance - 1k

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