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Literary: Wandering...

Most of the days past, that I can't recalled what had I achieved.
Which events are concluded, what things I forgot to fulfill?
This just came out in my mind whenever I am alone and dumb sad.
I guess I been too busy and stressed with my life.
Though it's somehow boring most of the times when at home.

I like to count the possibilities that I may succeed on certain goals.
Yet I can't even remember some of it.
This maybe a bad thing to happen to anyone,
Preferably those who wants to point things what they've accomplished.

It's bothering me somehow, most specially when felling down.
I wanted to count and rate my living with the accomplishments I have done.
But it's quite difficult to point it out when you've done it selflessly.
Nothing's special when you've just have it to have it done.
Unlike accomplishing something without dragging yourself too much.

More oftentimes that I regret why I just let time past by so fast.
Asking myself why I didn't try to achieve something new.
Maybe it's just happen for a purpose yet, I can think for reasons.
That somehow I can achieved new things yet I'm afraid to try.

Bothering like this makes me sad and troubled many ways.
Life is what we make it as long as we've learned new things every day.
Even though this is how it must be, the problem is my personality.
Yet I gain more experiences and lessons in trying new things out.

In most cases, wondering from the past or wandering around is helpful.
It gives us reason to know ourselves and correct our mistakes we made.
Hope that with this article I shared to you, it will give something new.
Have a great day everyone.

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