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Canlaon City: Shy Canlaon Volcano

Every time I visit beaches at the west side of Cebu, I always notice the majestic view of Canlaon Volcano. I keep on thinking to how it will look like in closer view. Since I visit San Carlos City, I decided to visit the mountain city of Negros. It’s an hour away from San Carlos. I never expected the road to Calaon to be like an intestine, it has lots of turning while going up to the city.

When you reach at the top, you will be amazed the beauty of the fields and the amazing view of the nearby island of Cebu. It’s all worth the travel after all, it’s just an entrance to the view to the city and the view is really great. I am in awe while looking at the view of the island of Cebu while on the bus. Upon entering the City, you ca see a vast fields that I never thought exist at the top of the mountain, till we reach to the city proper. The city proper of Canlaon is not big as it’s nearby Cities, but it’s beautiful and unique in the sense that it’s on top of the mountain while on foot of the Canlaon volcano.

Walking around the city is like you’re in Baguio City cause of the cool breeze and the view of the green fields around. When I reach the market, I was in awe by the view; I can already see how big the Volcano at the back is, though not its totality since it was partly covered with clouds and the weather that time was not really fine because it keeps on drizzling.

Hired a motorcycle going to the known Balete tree of Canlaon the so-called “Wonder Tree” which is already 1329+ years old and it is really huge. I may say the biggest tree I ever seen. Surrounded with a great view of fields, the place is amazing indeed. You can’t see electric towers all over which makes it more serene and wonderful.

From the balete tree, you can actually see the great volcano but his really shy to show up that time, the locality whom also the tour guide, told me that most of the time, the volcano will bee seen early in the morning, cause most of the time he is shy specially if his not in the mood.

From wonder tree, a few meters away is the private park where you can find nice pond and garden. I’ve seen a big bird which they took care, which is the ostrich, they have one. After visiting the park, the tour guide told me to visit the spring, but due to limited time, I told him that I need to be back soon to San Carlos City. I was able to take the last trip bus to San Carlos which leaves the city of Canlaon at early 5:30pm that time since it was Saturday and there are only few passengers left. There are buses left but it’s on other designated route.

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