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Literary: Inlove with a Friend

Many times in our lives that we may fall in love;
Many times that we will be having bad moods;
Though it will happen to us mostly, occasionally,
Or typically, it is just ordinary for us to feel that way.

We may end up happy by falling in-love to the right individual,
Or end up brokenhearted still, we are the one making the decision.
Decision that despite of everything that may happen,
You will not regretting about…

In everyday living, trials may come and go, like the people we know.
They may seemed to last a long-time but not for a lifetime;
Though there were cases that the people we valued most,
Lived with us forevermore, till the end of time...

Many of the movies that had been showcased in our cinemas,
Has this kind of trends, that love always end up a happy moment;
But it is required to sacrifice something valuable to us,
Before we get what our hearts truly wanted to have.

In some cases, to make us happy even if not for ourselves;
We're willing to give our special someone to our dear friend,
Specially if we recognize the value of friendship preciously.
In the name of friendship, things may change and matter.
It may end up happily or tragically on both sides; friendship and love.

I know, this is not clearly explained; but for those who encountered,
Such experiences, they know what I'm talking about…

Not all will accept, because somehow it will end up sad.
There are things that we surrender makes everyone happy.
Even it will cause so much pain to our end.

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