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Carcar: Malingin Falls

It's a Saturday morning when I and my workmate decided to go to Malingin Falls. He also invited his two friends who were already taking a night camp in Busay. One of the team has his own wheel, so we escape the hassle in going to the place.

We met at Cebu Business Park with my workmate friends, after our work, since we both have the night shift sched. We left the meeting place around 9:30 in the morning and we arrive in the City of Carcar at around 11:30 in the morning since it was not that too traffic along the way.

We decided to buy some foods in their market and one of the specialty of Carcar is their lechon baboy. It's really mouthwatering while walking around the stalls of lechons, you can choose what type of lechon, and the best thing about it is that it cost cheaper than in Cebu City and neighboring cities, like almost half the price.

After we got some food for our lunch, we traveled almost an hour going to the drop off point going to the falls, since the car can't go any further from place. You need to go on a hike downhill from the drop off for about 45 minutes, and the it's quite challenging though cause it's steepy and the thing that you can hold to are the grasses that grows along the way, and there's only a few trees along the hill.

When it's rainy season, you need to swim along the way to be able to reach the 1st level of the falls, and since we go there at summer time, so there's two options: we will walk along the hip deep water along the way or cling to the cliff to cross.

Upon crossing the first challenge, you can see the first level falls, and from there, you can enjoy jumping around but you need to be careful since it's really slippery. But if your interested to see the Malingin Falls, you need to cross and climb the first falls and have to trek and swim a few challenging pathways, and you have to be very careful cause it's slippery and got some sharped edges rocks and better to wear a trek shoes to help you cross the slippery pathway going to the main attraction.

Malingin got it's name since the falls itself has the shape like an overturn bowl, that it has a bigger circle down but a less opening at the top that enclosed a deep water. I have no idea how deep it was, and I was not able to jump on to the falls cause I it was really slippery and I got a hard time going to the top.

There are only a few who was there at the Malingin falls cause some who don't have the courage to swim along the muddy and walk along the slippery path choose to enjoy on the first level falls.

You can take a shower on a spring upon heading home that can be found along the way that's few meters away from the drop off point. It is also the source of water for the residents of the sitio.

The place is not known by many even by locals, only a few knew the place. 

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