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Camotes: Timubo Cave

On the 2nd day of our trip, we went to this small but very special cave of Camotes Island, the known Timubo Cave. Located at Brgy. Sonog, San Francisco, Camotes -  this cave was a significant cave to the people living nearby the cave since it became the source of their drinking water and water supply for the crops and household use.

Going down the cave, is a bit challenging since you need to lower your body so that you wont hit some hanging rocks overhead. There are lights installed going to the bottom of the cave. and the trail downward is bit narrow and slipper, that you need to be extra careful. Be mindful of the rocks overhead and also on the sides. Watch your steps since there are parts where in there are lumps.

What will surprise you when you reach at the bottom, is the altar made by the locals. then beside the altar is the underground pool that is really clear. though the lights are not that bright, still you will surely see what's underwater because it's crytal clear and cold. Just always take extra careful when swimming since there are pointed rocks around and be mindful always about your moves when swimming.

Always keep in mind that you are in the cave and that there are pointed rocks around that may hurt you. Much better to go the place early in the morning since there are only few tourist coming to the place. You'll surely enjoy your swimming when there only a few tourist around.

Location: Brgy. Sonog, San Francisco, Camotes
Entrance Fee: 30 pesos (maintenance fee) + 10 (environmental fee)

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