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Tabuelan: Hawaiian Beach resort

Tabuelan, the place is located at the northwestern part of Cebu and known of having white sand beaches. The town composed of 12 barangays and its part of the 4th district of Cebu. The town is used to be a part of Tuburan, which is the largest barangay of the town in 1950’s.

I used to travel in Tuburan, and since it’s a next town, I decided to visit one of its nearest resort, and it’s my first time to visit Tabuelan. Hawaiian Beach Resort, just about 2 kilometers away from the town proper. I just walked from the town proper to get to the resort. You can actually take tricycle to get there or motorcycle. The resort has several separate rooms available which are concrete made and air conditioned rooms. They also few open cottages, karaoke machine on the main beach house that will cost you 100 pesos per hour and if you can book earlier, you can ask the caretaker to cook food for you.

If you love to spend time away from crowded resorts with good view and relaxing place, I recommend you to come here. You can ask the guard to have you fresh buko juice, since there are many coconut trees in front of the resort, it will cost you 30 pesos. You can bring foods with you without corkage, and it is really recommended since they don’t have available foods for sale when I visit the place, though it’s just few meters away from the town’s market.

The resort has white sand beach and you can have cliff jump, though it’s not that high, but recommended to have it on a high tide. They have shower area for their guest. The guard and the caretaker are very kind. The resort was run by a couple and they lived in one of the main beach house. The best thing about the resort is that it is secluded place, you can’t find house on the sides of the resort, the neighboring houses are found outside the gate in front of the resort.

The resort is on development, and they have new rooms, pool and Jacuzzi that was for installation when I visit the placed with my friend Jesril Alon who happened to be my tour guide to the place since he was living on nearby barangay.

The rooms price range from 1400 - 2500 pesos, cottage rent range from 150 - 400 pesos. Entrance fee is already free if you rent cottage/room in the resort. They have karaoke which you can rent per hour for 100pesos. The guard and the attending resort caretaker is really kind and helpful, they really are very accommodating.

I am really looking forward to visit the resort again on a great weather since the last time I visit the resort, it happened that their is low pressure that's why we encountered big waves and only enjoy the beach for a while.

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